Thursday, September 9, 2010

Synchronicity and artistic pursuit

My No. 1 adviser suggested three lenses for my upgraded photo arsenal. They are lenses I hesitate to name for fear of losing anybody who doesn't talk photo, which I barely do, let me assure. But for people who want to know, J2 suggested the 24-70 mm 2.8 for best-of-show/all-around lens; the 85 mm 1.4 for my No. 1 portrait lens; and the 70-200 mm 2.8 for Jazz Fest, sports pictures and all those shots I can't get when it gets too dark.

54" />

Now we're talking about a lot of money. And we're also talking about carefully choosing from among dozens of options, which I had been researching for weeks, months, years, my whole life. And then today became the day when I HAD to buy SOMETHING, because the main lens I'd been using (an 18-200 mm 3.5) was malfunctioning and I had a job to shoot.

I woke with a plan, to buy that main all-around lens, the 24-70 2.8. But I was still concerned whether this was the right lens or not.

So I walked into Campus Camera, and I asked the one guy in there who is actually nice AND smart (the others are that cocky breed of ego-y yuk that shows up in every artistic venue):

"If you had to pick a No. 1 lens, what would it be?"

Without a single prod of provocation from me, he said "The 24-70 2.8."

Game, set, match.

Herein are the results of my first day shooting with my new sharp and lovely color 24-70 2.8.

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