Wednesday, November 3, 2010

American politics and the mid-term election landslide. Just sayin'.

‎"We did not put our ideas together. We put our purposes together. And we agreed. Then we decided." -from the Popol Vuh, a sacred book of the Mayans....(Thanks, Renee.) Oh, that our American politicians were each relegated to a cave, alone, for six months with this book. 

Meanwhile back in real time: Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican this morning, tell me you aren't galvanized around the pain of this country's polarized condition.

Peace? The mantra is peace?  How can we be the defenders of peace on Earth if we can't make peace with each other?

I hate the hate.

I hate the lies.

I hate the ear wax.

I am one of the good guys. And I want to hide under a rock. What will happen when all the good guys are hiding under rocks?

We have launched our own Cold War.

How will it end?

We have no Berlin Wall to dismantle.

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